John Mica & the Scams of Private Government Business
November 20th, 2010 by Rob Smith, Jr.

Listening to John Mica on Fox News yammering on and on about how we need private business to do TSA duties. He says the private security businesses campaign contributions have nothing to do with his yammering. Yet, when asked about whether specific procedures & equipment should be shelved, he waffles, won’t answer specifically and starts talking about needing private companies again. Proving he’s in bed with the private companies, he won’t specify what methods should or shouldn’t go, so if the private companies start they can do anything they want. Including full body scans. Only when a private company becomes the arm of Government, the taxpayers can’t complain to the private business, because they are private. If you go to the politician, then they don’t want to do anything for fear of losing campaign contributions. Mica has done this in the past.

I’ve seen myself how MUCH, MUCH more expensive and less effective private companies are than citizen accountable government workers. Sure Government workers can be lazy slugs. But you can fid their supervisor, or Commissioner, or Mayor, etc. With a private company they just finger point back to the Government who hired them. I’ve gone or seen others go to Government folks to complain and watch as they typically point back to the private company. It’s also a way where the everyone can say it’s everyone else’s fault … and be right!

John Mica has been and still is a lousy bug out to steal our tax money to pay off his contributor buddies. Shame this “RINO” was voted back in. I can only hope Tea Party folks target him next time.

3 Responses  
  • K. Kid writes:
    November 24th, 20109:58 amat

    Mr. Smith:

    You seem to have a handle on Mr. Mica’s anti-conservative side. I trust you can also review the publicly available minutes from Orlando Sanford’s airport commission. August is of particular interest.

    Do my eyes deceive me (actually, no they don’t) or it the contractor proposing a revenue/profit share with Orlando Sanford? 50% after interest?

    This has not be commented on by the media. Mr. Smith, what can be done to put this information out there? At the same time, what can be done to stop Mr. Mica from damaging the recent gains of the Republican Party?

    Thank you for any help you can provide!

  • K. Kid writes:
    November 24th, 201010:01 amat

    Mr. Smith:

    You seem to have a handle on Mr. Mica’s anti-conservative side.

    Orlando Sanford in fact has been offered a revenue/profit share. Check the minutes from their airport commission meetings in August.

    What can be done to stop Mr. Mica without damaging the Republican Party?

    Thank you for any help you can provide!

  • K. Kid writes:
    November 24th, 201010:52 amat

    Mr. Smith,

    I see that you are a contributor to Glenn Beck. You and he may be interested in knowing that under Mr. Mica’s preferred system for aviation security, the Service Employees International Union has a union-security clause at San Francisco International Airport. Mica’s campaign contributor from Winter Springs is a big defender of this arrangement.
    No wonder why Mica sent a letter to 100 large airports! Those airports are connected to local Democratic operations that are desperately looking for dues and the associated campaign contributions after the recent midterms. And then Mica announces that he is willing to work with Obama on transportation. Do you smell what he’s cooking?

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