Commentary: Boris Johnson returns to the UK Parliament.
Sep 25th, 2019 by Rob Smith, Jr.

I’m a flag waving American. But, these days, find our UK conservative friends across the pond are facing many of the same battles we fave here.

Their outcomes can help us know or understand our outcomes and vice versa. I follow UK politics pretty closely. With that thought comes this:

After the pummeling by the Supreme Court Boris Johnson, i n his disheveled way, valiantly returned to Parliament today and knocked it out of the park. Of course, that means it went over the heads of Jeremy Corbyn and his Labour lot.

Here’s Johnson’s address:

What follows that can be seen at Parliament TV here:…/a1b65e77-a0e6-4b89-ac09-99d7c53…

The intensity of the Corbyn to keep the UK in the clutches of the EU Globalists is as Trump finds himself against the Democrat Globalists. Two groups, Labour & Democrats, who otherwise would despise and fight the Globalists now need them to get their party success. The Globalists have money the parties do not.

The odd marriage is working to some extent as the trio have stymied both Johnson and Trump.

Best we can do is to support our conservative side with friends, in the Media and social media and beyond.
i’ve got some political cartoons coming, myself.

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