While the media Brews Virus Hysteria, REAL trouble Continues to Develop…
Jul 21st, 2020 by Rob Smith, Jr.

Please SHARE @tedcruz‘s Remarks at FDD’s “The Future of Iran” on Collapsing the Iran… via @YouTube

Americans have been severely distracted with the virus hysteria and disconnected from critical international issues!

My newest political cartoon of the fascist tactics in Kentucky.
Jul 21st, 2020 by Rob Smith, Jr.

The virus hysteria continues….
Jul 20th, 2020 by Rob Smith, Jr.

The virus hysteria continues….
Some of us can’t wear masks for any reason whatsoever.
But the irrational, emotional outrage crowd will take no prisoners.

New Yorker Hit Piece: Dollar General is out to Kill us all!
Jul 5th, 2020 by Rob Smith, Jr.

Here is pure trash. Why the New Yorker is going down the drain.

This hit piece never once blame the REAL problem: The people.
It’s people going into stores with guns. It’s people shooting each other.
The problem is clearly the neighborhoods where these stores are.
What makes up a neighborhood?
The people.
There’s the problem.
The store could place an army around the stores and still have the same or similar problems.
The Humanist approach that man does nothing wrong, but some hocus-pocus mystical corporate entity out to kill us all is pure tapioca.

The Viruses-19 Hysteria Continues:
Jul 4th, 2020 by Rob Smith, Jr.

From, old friend, Hobo Monkey: “Spoke to a customer today. We were discussing covid-19. I shared the Texas statistic of over 11,000 died in 2018 of flu and pneumonia. In 2020, so far, we have 2,552 deaths from flu, Pneumonia AND covid-19.

She then stated her friends took advantage of the free covid-19 test here locally and they signed in with address and phone number and got in line. Several hours later in the Texas heat they decided the test was not worth the wait and left.

The next day they got a call saying they were positive for covid-19. They asked how that was possible? They left and never had the test. Their response was, “Well you signed into be tested you WERE here!”

THIS is how the Numbers are being gathered and are ruling our lives!!!

Viruses-19 – We are being conned!
Jun 23rd, 2020 by Rob Smith, Jr.


That is the percentage of the Florida population involving the current “spike” of “corona virus” cases. Average percentage of Americans getting a virus each year: 5 to 20%.The medical world has downgraded chances of getting the viruses-19 to fractions of one percent.All Media are reporting the ‘viruses’ numbers as gospel.
Most Media are NOT including the ’19’.
I’m also noticing that in some medical reports.No ’19’, then it’s not about the virus hysteria.
I believe that is the reality.
We are being conned.

We know not to trust the viruses-19 numbers being shoveled out as the Media can and will not back up the numbers.
But they sure are big presenting the numbers as if bringing the ten commandments.
Back up the numbers reported. Don’t just throw numbers out.Where did the numbers come from?Where were these verified?Where are the journalists?We are being conned.

People are catching a virus and it is a bit stronger than flu.
CDC & WHO and scientists have greatly downgraded the threat waaaaaay down and results of the viruses are best reflected by others in the same area getting the viruses and the environment.
That’s due to the virus-19 mutations and the viruses being different all over the world.
Media NOT reporting this.Much like CNN & the NBC news channels not covering Seattle’s news that they will be dismantling ‘CHOP”.
We are being conned.

I have such respiratory issues I can’t wear a mask under any conditions.
I wouldn’t any way. I can not find cogent reasoning for fear of the viruses.
I find irrational and illogical reasons…most reflecting viruses-19 reporting from 3 months ago.
The reasons not to wear masks are lengthy and important to be aware of.
Media won’t cover this last.
We are being conned.

Demings and his wife were trash at OPD and that hasn’t changed. Note the only counties that are of considering mandatory masks are all majority Democrat.They are also encouraging closing businesses to take jobs away from single mothers who can’t pay for the diapers for her baby (The St Petersburg Times reported this story.). She only survives on tips.
This forces her and millions into un-employment checks that give each person more than jobs can.WE are encouraging people not to work.
A friend of mine is to return to work July 1st as an AV tech for a series of hotels.
He’s making more from unemployment.
He’s 65 and it sure would be easier to sit and watch TV instead of being on call and traveling two hours round trip to the job.
Why are we trying to keep people from work?
The government (Us) doesn’t have the money to keep sending out these checks if the people won’t work to be taxed to cover the checks.
What the hell is going on?
We are being conned!

My newest political cartoon…
Jun 18th, 2020 by Rob Smith, Jr.

IF only “Black Lives Matter” actually believed in what they call themselves. They could save a lot of lives in Chicago.

Why is Today’s Slavery being ignored????
Jun 14th, 2020 by Rob Smith, Jr.

IF the violent, irrational animals rampaging through the U.S. REALLY cared about slavery, they would fight the slavery happening TODAY! Here’s one group doing that: Christian Solidarity International \

Why is there such a great effort to focus on the smoke and mirrors and misrepresentations of the history of slavery? Why is modern slavery, much greater than any time in hsitory also being ignored? Lives could be saved Today!!!

Why of why oh why is nothing done about this??? All the hub-bub about “black” lives and none of these matter
Jun 11th, 2020 by Rob Smith, Jr.

Jun 9th, 2020 by Rob Smith, Jr.

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