Keeping the dollars flowing
Nov 14th, 2008 by Rob Smith, Jr.

What the heck are we doing????????????? Repeating the mistakes of the 1920s seems what we’re doing. The banks have cool secrecy laws that help them hide where money is shifted and stored. The laws were created by heavily lobbied legislators to stop any potential panic that might occur if Americans learned …the rest of the story.

So we Americans are kept in the dark, hand the banking industry our cash and trust they will do good with it. Hopefully they are. In the 1920s they weren’t so good. Again the Teasury worked with the banks to bankings interest. The Justice Department also leaned in bankings favor as bankings top dogs, certain investors and others on lower rungs made off with lots and lots of other peoples cash. It was an internal looting. Few were prosecuted.

Hopefully that is not happening now. Though ditching that much cash into a murky industry as banking sure must be tempting. The sad part is that we’ll probably never know.

Presidental Candidate Approaches to Fixing a Problem
Sep 26th, 2008 by Rob Smith, Jr.


This infuriates me! Obama knows his strengths and doesn’t want to leave his beloved bully pulpit to actual be a leader, something he hasn’t bothered to prove to this point. Whether he likes it or not, he is a Senator. He represents a part of Illinois. Out country is making one of it’s greatest decisions in it’s history. If I find out my representatives in Washington aren’t there looking after my interests, I want them out of office. I knew McCain would want to get into the midst of this and am grateful he did.

I’m against a bailout. But I better see my representatives doing something up there in Washington whether it be for or against a bailout!

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