March 17, 2009 – Editorial Cartoon Tuesday!
Mar 20th, 2009 by Rob Smith, Jr.


Over my years with the City of Orlando part of my job was also records management a few years ago, I got to watch what I thought would be the salvation of gathered paper into the digital world. Only to watch too much of it turn into a disaster. There was a higher up supervisor that insisted on buying the newest of computer equpment. It was savvy for the ridiculous ever shifting move to everything being digital or “paperless”. The problem was we all took it seriously. We put all sorts of records on the various media that we had. When I left stacks of Bernoulli cassettes, laser discs, and other various machines held data never to be opened again because the machinery to open it had been destroyed or there was no way to connect the machines to newer machines to get it out. Above is a depiction of the file area at Orlando City Hall.

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