February 24, 2009 – Florida A&M Editorial Cartoon Exhibit!
Feb 27th, 2009 by Rob Smith, Jr.

I was a part of a panel discussion and exhibit at Florida A&M University. The exhibit runs through March and is titled ‘Disappearing Ink’. It’s an exhibit showcasing Florida editorial cartoonists and how editorial cartoons are quickly disappearing from publications everywhere. 39 colleagues were fired or took a buyout from the newspaper company last year alone. We’ve already seen quite a few go this year and will probably see more going.

To the left is a sketch of the view of being on the receiving end of a camera. The entire event was filmed and I tried to stay still as they filmed. I’m a hyper-active person and staying still was tough!

It was a big crowd that came and was standing room only.

There were questions from the audience about the state of editorial cartooning and questions about a recent cartoon in New York Post. There were also questions invovling the “diversity” of artists creating editorial cartoons. It was pointed out that the four of us are white and male. I expressed then as now, that to solve that problem is to get out there and change that if you want to. I do all I can to encourage everybody to be a cartoonist and do my best to guide them as well as I can. Please! Please! Jump in! The water is fine. There’s no money really in it. But, as I said then, there’s lots of places on line. We need to stop thinking editorial cartoons are confined to the printed page.

If you are an aspiring cartoonist, feel free to e-mail me – it’s to the left – and I’ll guide you as I can. Diversity has little to do with it. It’s all about getting it done. Those that can actually complete, in this case, an editorial cartoon. That’s half the battle. The next is getting it out there for everyone to see.

So, GET OUT THERE AND DRAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here’s the panel: Me; Andy Marlette, with the Pensacola News-Journal; Jeff Parker, with Florida Today in Brevard County; and Ed Hall with the Baker County Press and the Ponte Vedra Reporter in the northeast part of Florida.

Artwork was shown behind us.

Folks viewing the cartoons. A fellow is viewing one of my cartoons in the background.

After the symposium we were interviewed by communications students.

Here’s my old buddy Jeff Parker, who helped bring this whole event about. Jeff is editorial cartoonist for Florida Today and assists Mike Peters in creating the comic strip Mother Goose and Grimm.

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